Our Purpose

Leapin’ Leap frogs! Why would a class at Illinois State University create a blog about people playing the childhood game of leap frog? In our Advanced Exposition class, we have been discussing global moments—those moments that are shared throughout a community, and even perhaps the whole world. They are the moments that prove to us that we are not so different after all. In class, we watched Matt Harding’s dancing videos. He went around the world and danced—anywhere and everywhere, at different locations, and others joined in the dancing. It was a remarkable sight! It made each of us feel like we all truly had things in common with everyone in the world. So, we decided to create our own version. We came up with ideas and decided upon the game of leap frog . We are using the blog to bring our ideas together and to show our own methods and experiences of leap frog. We are all unique yet we share the love of a childhood game. Here it is—our experiences and our own versions of our global moment. Feel free to contribute to our project with your own videos or pictures of leap frog by submitting them to Corey at leapfrog246@yahoo.com. Let’s leap frog!


Anonymous said...

Awesome blog! How fun!

Unknown said...

This is such a great example of the thoughtful work that students produce here at ISU. It's smart, funny and self-reflective; good for you all!

Joan Mullin

Anonymous said...

This is an awesome and inspiring activity. I'm going to get my kids (15, 13, 11) leapfrogging soon--everywhere!!


Dr. Trites

Anonymous said...

Well, I tried to participate, but all I could find to leap over was a cedar stump. When I tried that, I ripped my pants and hurt my back. This activity might be best left to a younger person with friends.

(Melissa's Dad)