A Halloween Treat

Walking off the bus on an unusually warm October 31 I suddenly come to a halt. There is a massive line coming from the entrance of the local watering hole. I am forced to wait with a group of my friends at the end of the line, while about 20 people in front of us. There is an argument at the front door between a bouncer and a clown. Apparently dressing up on Halloween still doesn’t get you into your favorite bar with a fake id. While we were waiting I decided to inform my friends that they had to play leap frog with me when we got back home. After another two minutes of the clown failing miserably to deal his way into getting into our bar, my friend Chris came up with an idea of epic proportions. “Why don’t we play leapfrog here?” he said coyly. We could try to get everyone else in line to do it while we wait, and it will get us to the front of the line.

“My God!” I thought, “not since Thomas Ford has there been an idea of such magnitude!” my mind went on. Looking back on the night, libation may have affected my excitement of the idea. None the less, our group of Vampires, basketball players, and a couple police officers decided that this was an idea just crazy enough to work. We started from the back of the line and slowly convinced everyone in line to join in, some with a little more prodding than others.

One leap at a time I slowly got my way to the front of the line. About halfway through the line I noticed that the once grumbling and annoyed strangers in the crowd slowly became a sort of laughing, happy, family. Once I got to the start of the line, where my friends were already starting to show their licenses and go into the bar, I looked back and saw that the rest of the line was actually still playing leap frog. There were some onlookers, but for the most part everyone joined in on the fun and had a great time. When we all got inside and were ordering drinks, a couple of the people in line came up to us and told us that we had made their night. They stuck around for a while and proved to be fun people.

So I must recommend playing a game like leapfrog every once in a while. You never know when it could get you a better spot in line or even a new friend.